Being in a wheelchair doesn’t mean you have to stop playing sports.
Wheelchairs aid people with disabilities to continue living. It will only inhibit you from doing things you like to do if you let it.
A sports wheelchair allows people with disabilities to take part in sports.
Wheelchair sports adapted and modified common sports to allow wheelchair users to play. These include tennis, bowling, and basketball.
These sports have become so popular that they started the international Paralympic Games at the same time and country as the Olympics.
Athletes who engage in wheelchair sports use manual or electric wheelchairs. But, professional athletes prefer to use this type of wheelchair for better mobility and precision.
If you’re looking for a wheelchair to help you with your active lifestyle, then look no further. Here’s our guide on how to choose the best sports wheelchair in the Philippines.
What Specifications Should You Consider In A Sports Wheelchair?

Like other mobility devices, specifications are significant when looking for a sports wheelchair.
The right features will allow you to take part in whatever sport you choose.
Seat Size and Height
The size and height of the seat can make a significant difference. They can affect the balance and comfort you get from your athletic wheelchair.
The right seat size will allow the athlete to move. The right height will make sure the athlete doesn’t drag their feet on the ground while playing.
These specifications will depend on the user’s body type. Consult your doctor to know the right size and height that best fits your condition.
Upgradeable Kits
If you’re playing different sports, you need a mobility device with interchangeable parts. You can upgrade the wheels, chair, and kits of the wheelchair to better accommodate the sport you play.
In the long run, you might get tired of the common features your active wheelchair comes with. Buying a sports wheelchair that has upgradeable parts will allow you to spice things up.
Speed and Agility
Particular wheelchair physical activities need a lot of movement and maneuverability. When playing basketball and tennis, most players prefer ultra-light wheelchairs.
Lightweight wheelchairs are usually made from aluminum and carbon fiber. These materials allow wheelchairs to move with speed and agility. They also have angled-wheels for better mobility.
Strength and Weight Capacity
Wheelchair sports will need a lot of activities such as moving and turning. The demanding actions you need to perform might cause accidents. You have to choose a sports wheelchair that can support your weight.
The active wheelchair you want to buy should have enough stability and strength. It should be able to move you across any field or court with caution.
The most important specification to consider has to be safety. The best sports wheelchair should have straps, padding, and a strong armrest.
These features will protect you while you’re moving and turning fast.
An athletic wheelchair with enough safety features will also prevent users from falling.
Who to Consult When Buying a Sports Wheelchair?

Many experts can offer their thoughts about sports wheelchairs. Speak to them if you want more wisdom. They can provide opinions and advice to help you make informed decisions.
Physical therapist or doctor
A medical professional is the best person you can consult about sports wheelchairs. They will help you understand what your body needs.
They can also tell you what wheelchair sports to take part in if you haven’t figured out what you want to do yet. But, if they recommend that you don’t play any sports, then it’s best to listen.
If you’re already participating in wheelchair sports, then speak to your coach. Hear what they can recommend for you.
Your coach should already have an idea of what is the best sports mobility aid for you. They have observed how you play and know what wheelchair will help you improve your game.
Consider taking them along when buying the wheelchair, so they can see what fits you best.
Fellow athletes
Playing with a team means there are a bunch of other people who can help inform you. They can weigh in and even recommend what’s the best sports mobility device in the market.
Ask them about their preference and what works with them that might work with you as well.
There may be differing opinions between you and your fellow athletes. But, they can still offer information to help you decide.
Online forums or sports wheelchair reviews
There’s a community of people who take part in mobility sports online. See what they have to say about what sports wheelchairs in the Philippines work for them.
Find a reliable website with intellectual and helpful people to discuss with. Engage in conversation and speak with them.
You can also check for reviews and rants about a specific sports wheelchair you have in mind. People like to express their thoughts online if they’re satisfied or not.
Take their opinions with a grain of salt, though. Not everything you read online is 100% true. It’s still best to consult professionals and experts.
Get Your Electric Wheelchair From the Philippines’ Most Trusted Store!
Wheelchairs aren’t a life sentence. Requiring the support of a wheelchair doesn’t mean you can’t take part in activities. You can still enjoy playing sports and other physical ventures.
Many people have successful careers despite using wheelchairs. Most of them are wheelchair sports athletes. They did not let their disability hinder them from making the best out of their lives.
Break out of the stigma and go live an active lifestyle. There are many wheelchair sports you can take part in as long as you have the drive and motivation to do so.
If you’re looking for the best sports wheelchair for you, Mobility Supplies has it!
Mobility Supplies’ Active Sports Wheelchair is designed for a fast-paced lifestyle. It’s ultra-lightweight, aerodynamic, and has great maneuverability. It can help improve your game in any sports you play!
Contact us today or visit our website to know more about our products!